MCH Karakush The Meow Factor
Australian Champion
International Champion
Danish Champion
Swedish Champion
Dutch Champion
German DWZRV Champion
German VDH Champion
Winner 2013
BraboWinner 2013
Budapest Grand Prix Winner 2013
NVOW Clubwinnaar 2013
Han Jungeling wisseltroffee winnaar
Donaueschingen Winner 2013
No 1 Afghan in Holland -
BraboWinner 2014
VDH European Winner 2014
Breeder : Karakush
Owner in Europe: Popovs & Karakush
Yes we have a new kid in town!
Not only we welcomed him with open arms
his first appearance at the INT show Giessen/GER by winning CACIB, Best Of Breed, Group 1st and Res. BEST IN SHOW!!!
Our second show NAT Show Alkmaar/NL CAC, Best of Breed, Group 1st!
Our 3th show, 3th
country, 3th BOB, 3th BIS placement, BOB, Res. Best In Show and new Danish Champion!
Finnish his Dutch Champion title with 4 BOB’s, 2 Group 1st, 2 Group 2nd, a 3th BIS and a 4th BIS.
And father of our Cats Litter & Wind Litter